By a 7 to 2 vote, the Board decided to approve a proposal offered by Board member Violet Jimenez Sims to change the, “2020-21 School Calendar naming October 12, 2020 ‘Indigenous Peoples Day’ rather than Columbus Day.” Barring another any laws to the contrary, the Board also voted to “continue this change on future school calendars on the holiday cu...
Forum Lodge #391—Sons and Daughters of Italy in America recently awarded Anna M. Ripa Memorial Scholarships to three Aquidneck Island public high school 2020 graduating seniors. In addition to maintaining a B average or better in their studies and intending to enter university in the fall of 2020, the applicants wrote essays explaining the importan...
Martedì 19 maggio, ore 18.00 - 19.00 E.T. Cari Amici, l’emergenza COVID-19 ha posto il mondo dinanzi a una sfida epocale, molti sono gli italiani che vivono negli Stati Uniti e che rivestono un ruolo di primo piano nell’affrontare la pandemia. Altrettanti sono gli italiani nella nostra circoscrizione che si trovano a fronteggiare l’attuale emergenz...
As a first-generation college student and now professor, Michele Fazio discovers kindred spirits in many first-generation students she encounters at UNC-Pembroke. They share an instant connection. She knows the struggles and unique challenges they face. And like Fazio, many are from working-class families. In fact, the long-time literature professo...
Forum Lodge #391, Sons and Daughters of Italy in America invites applicants for the Anna M. Ripa Memorial Scholarship, which is awarded annually to Aquidneck Island public high school seniors of Italian descent who will be graduating in June 2020 and will be attending college or university in the fall. In addition to having earned at least a B aver...
«Non sprecate mai le opportunità offerte da una crisi. Questa è l’occasione per reinventarsi». Carlo Ratti, 49 anni, architetto e ingegnere torinese, è rimasto a terra. Bloccato a Boston. In attesa, suo malgrado, di uno tsunami che negli Usa «avrà conseguenze drammatiche». L’ultimo aereo disponibile per l’Europa, dopo lo stop ai collegamenti impost...
The purpose of this research study is to understand the experience of ethnically-identified Italian-American college students in colleges and universities in the United States. To participate in this study, you must: Identify as Italian-American; Have graduated from a Bachelor's degree program within the last five years. Participation involves: Com...
Kathleen Silvia left her position on the School Committee this week after 42 years of almost uninterrupted service to the city she loved. “It was a difficult decision, but I did it for medical reasons,” she told The Daily News on Tuesday. “I loved working on the committee, but it was time to give someone else a chance at it.” Silvia has been unable...
The Premio Famiglia Fiducia Fund for the Middlebury Italian School, established in 2016, is a scholarship to support graduate students pursuing an MA in Italian at the Middlebury Italian School and the Middlebury C.V. Starr School in Italy, headquartered in Florence. The fellowship will fund the complete master's degree program for three students....
Dalla sinergia fra FUA – Florence University of the Arts - The American University of Florence, la High School of Fashion Industries di New York City e con la gradita partecipazione dell’Ufficio Istruzione del Consolato Generale di New York, nella persona della Dott.ssa Annavaleria Guazzieri, nasce il Corso di Aggiornamento di Lingua Italiana e Did...
A group of Torrington middle and high school students and participants in the Connecticut Academy for the Arts’ Italian fine arts outreach program will be recognized for winning a literary contest on Nov. 20. Superintendent of Schools Sue Lubomski is expected to honor the group during the Board of Education meeting, starting at 6 p.m. The students...
On a recent September day, Italian-born Romolo Marcoccio, who teaches math at Lewiston High School for a living, put an apron over his shirt and tie and demonstrated how to make pasta. Within minutes, he had mixed eggs and flour into a dough and sent it through a pasta machine. Ecco! Out came lasagna noodles. Next month, Marcoccio is repeating a so...