Italian economist Gustavo Piga to give Friday lecture at MSU

Oct 04, 2018 1595

BY: James Carskadon

Gustavo Piga, an economist from the University of Rome Tor Vergata will give a public lecture Friday [Oct. 5] at Mississippi State University. Piga’s lecture, titled “Can the European Union Aspire to Become the United States of Europe?,” will take place at 11:30 a.m. in Fowlkes Auditorium of the Colvard Student Union. The event is free and open to the public. Piga will share his perspectives on the topic, which are informed by economic and historic context.

A professor of economics, Piga serves as a delegate of the president for international relations and director of global governance at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. He also is the director of the university’s international master in public procurement management program. A teacher, speaker and writer, Piga focuses on international economic affairs, public spending and corruption.

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