Dickinson, PA Gets a ‘Taste of Italy’

Feb 24, 2024 741

BY: Disma P. Ferrante

This semester’s Taste of Italy event exhibited the diverse range of Italy’s different flavors and colors, featuring delicacies from each region of the Mediterranean nation. The event, held in the Stern Center was open to both students and alumni. Of Italy’s 20 regions, 19 were represented at the event by a regional food item, its flag, and a short description of the food and its origins.

The only region missing was Le Marche, in central Italy, which is well-known for its natural beauty. Luca Lanzilotta, Senior Lecturer in Italian and Italian Club faculty advisor, said, “I couldn’t find an authentic product from the region and seeing that every other region had authentic foods imported from Italy, I didn’t want to spoil [the event] with something that wasn’t authentic.”

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SOURCE: https://thedickinsonian.com

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