Zeppe's Italian Market fills niche that appeals to loyal customers, owner says

Mar 16, 2016 554

By Daina Saleh

Business name: Zeppe's Italian Market

Address: 529 W. 87th St., Naperville

Phone/website: 630-753-0955, www.zeppesitalianmarket.com

Owner's name: Giuseppe "Joe" Gambino
Number of years in business: 14th year in Naperville, previously in Oswego for 9 years

What does this business sell? "We found our niche, and our niche is our food and our homemade specialties," Gambino said. "We do 10 hours of cooking so you don't have to. You can walk in, you grab a sauce, our pasta. ... (We also do) catering, pastries and gourmet cookies."

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Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com/

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