The Italian Institute of Culture of New York Brings Garlic to the Table

May 25, 2024 254

In the Italian folk tradition, le nonne kept garlic in their kitchen to ward off bad luck. And, of course, to add it to practically every Italian dish. This essential ingredient is the protagonist of the second chapter of the series “Ingredients. The secrets of Italian cuisine,” hosted by the Italian Institute of Culture-New York on May 28 at 6 PM. 

Editor Germana Valentini will delve into garlic from a culinary, but also from an anecdotal and historical perspective, together with Pasquale Cozzolino, Executive Chef and Co-owner of Ribalta Restaurant in New York; Rock and John Positano, authors of Dinner with Di Maggio; and, Stefano Donno, Editor of the Italian Edition of Dinner with Di Maggio. IIC NY Director Fabio Finotti will introduce the evening.

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