Have Bollito Misto at Salumeria 104 on Tuesdays

Mar 06, 2014 957

by Carla Torres

Miami winter is almost over, and we've barely experienced what it feels like to be cold. Does that mean we shouldn't get the pleasure of having winter food? Salumeria 104 doesn't think so. Chef Angelo Masarin likes simple and traditional Italian flavors. For him, no food is simpler than animal parts, which is why he loves cooking bollito misto and has dedicated every Tuesday to this dish. From now through April, you can indulge in the stew-like plate that hails from North Italy. Short Order was invited to taste it on a perfectly brisk Tuesday last week. Pictures after the jump.

We suggest having a soup prior to the main course. On our visit, the soup of the day was minestrone. The meat is slowly boiled in a broth to exude all of its fatty flavor. It is then used as a base for the soups and risottos, which are some of Salumeria's specialties. We wonder if we now know their secret.

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Source: http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/

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