Juliet Italian Kitchen giving away free Thanksgiving meal kits to seniors

Nov 21, 2020 965

An Austin restaurant is stepping in the make sure seniors who will be home alone for Thanksgiving can still enjoy a holiday meal. Juliet Italian Kitchen is giving away free fettuccine alfredo meal kits to people over the age of 70 in Austin. The meal kits include fettuccine noodles, grilled chicken, alfredo sauce, and instructions on how to prepare and heat the food. 

The kits feed about three to four people, according to Juliet Italian Kitchen. They will be delivered to the seniors the day before Thanksgiving. "Our social media person that we've used for the past four years or so, she saw that a restaurant in Washington D.C. was doing something similar," explained Emily O'Connor, the general manager for Juliet Italian Kitchen.

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SOURCE: https://www.fox7austin.com

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