Can 'Passive Pasta' Reduce Energy Bills? The Italian Chef vs. the Nobel Laureate

Sep 06, 2022 845

BY: Claudia Concas

This winter will be harsh in terms of energy bills. High prices for gas and electricity are common these days, with restaurants, businesses and consumers complaining about the strain on budgets for months. So, we look for solutions, even if they may seem bizarre. A case involving the Italian Nobel laureate for physics, Giorgio Parisi, has exploded on Italian social media in recent days.

The scientist claims that it is possible to cook pasta by boiling the water and turning off the gas halfway through cooking. By covering the pot and leaving the pasta immersed for one minute longer than the cooking time indicated on the package, the result (Parisi argues) is the same, and you can save up to 44-kilowatt hours in a year - considering the national consumption of pasta in Italy, which is around 23kg per person.

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