Fernando Napolitano provides his input to "Destinazione Italia", a 50 policy action document just issued by the Italian government to attract FDI (Foreign Direct Investments). While welcoming this document and efforts by different ministries, it warns on the peril of being ineffective and not visible to investors who have plenty of options and alternatives. Vision, cost cutting plan of the Italian state, geographic/industry focus, accountability and responsibility vs. the proposed policy actions, quality of human capital leading this effort, massive communication plan in English from Italy are some of the must do actions recommended. Read the full article published by Panorama.
European and Italian leaders will once again meet in New York for the Italian Business &am...
Il 22 febbraio 2018 si svolgerà a New York il VIII Summit “Italy Meets The US”, un appunta...
Una finestra dall'Italia rivolta verso il mondo dove raccogliere il pensiero sulle problem...
di Sara D'Agati Per gli investitori d'oltreoceano le opportunità in Europa e in I...
Carlo Calenda is the Italian Vice Minister for the Economic Development, and this is his f...
Una diplomazia culturale italiana orientata a fidelizzare gli utenti stranieri al nostro p...
by Mauro Battocchi Italy is rapidly reforming its markets to further entice innov...