Discovering true Italian Asiago cheese

Jan 07, 2018 943

BY: Richard Basch

Americans seem to be getting more open in their willingness to try different types of cheeses, so it's a shame that most only know Asiago as the semi-melted cheese on their bagel or Wendy's sandwich, when it's actually one of Italy's finest cheeses.

The only authentic Asiago is produced around the alpine area of the Asiago Plateau, in certain provinces within the regions of Veneto and Trentino-Adige in Italy (The village of Asiago is in the northern part of Veneto). It's a protected designation (Denominazione di Origine Protetta). Asiago is a cow's milk cheese and can assume different qualities from smooth when fresh (Asiago Pressato) to grainier when aged (Asiago d'Allevo).

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