Fake 'Italian food' products' global turnover up to 120bn

Jun 14, 2022 856

The global turnover of fake 'Italian' food products has risen to an annual 120 billion euros, Coldiretti farmers group said Monday. "Due to the continued rise of Italian sounding brands, over two-thirds of 'Italian' food products in the world are now fake," it said, adding that the Ukraine war's impact on world trade had exacerbated the situation.

Among the most 'cloned' products are cheeses, led by Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano. Other top bogus brands are iconic cold cuts like Parma and San Daniele ham and mortadella from Bologna, said Coldiretti. Richer countries are more likely to have false Italian sounding products, such as the US, where the business is worth some 40 billion euros.

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SOURCE: https://www.ansamed.info

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