Famous Voices Take Center Stage at Italy’s ‘Dubbing Oscars’

Nov 24, 2019 1071

BY: Elisabetta Povoledo

Just like the Oscars, the gala held Thursday night at Rome’s music auditorium included a red carpet complete with a noisy cluster of paparazzi snapping pouting actors. Most people, however, would have struggled to put a name to the faces. Their voices, though, are as familiar to Italian audiences as those of Jennifer Lawrence, Bruce Willis and Angelina Jolie are to English speakers.

That’s because the gala celebrated the best of something Italy arguably does best in the world: dubbing. “It’s a party, it’s our party,” cheered one of the evening’s hosts, Pino Insegno, who provides the Italian voice for Will Ferrell, Viggo Mortensen and Sacha Baron Cohen, among many others.

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SOURCE: https://www.nytimes.com/

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