The Italian Consul in Detroit, Paola Allegra Baistrocchi, participated on February 20 in the launch talk show for the second edition of ROCK, RetImpresa’s contest dedicated to Open Innovation and collaboration in Italian supply chains. Moderated by Rai journalist Mattia Iovane and available on YouTube, the talk show provided an important opportunit...
READ MOREThe Consulate of Italy in Detroit, under the leadership of Consul Allegra Baistrocchi, continues its efforts to promote Italian excellence in the U.S. territory, with a special focus on technological innovation and sustainability. Thanks to the collaboration with RetImpresa - Agenzia di Confindustria, Reputation Research and We The Italians, three...
READ MOREDear friends, I was about to write this editorial when the flood situation in Emilia Romagna has become dramatic. The photos and videos we see are devastating and make us suffer so much for our brothers and sisters in that beautiful region, where I personally have my roots, although in the part less affected by this horrendous catastrophe. We partn...
READ MORENow that the St. Ann's Festival in Hoboken has concluded, it's time to plan for the other big traditional festival in Hoboken each summer, the Hoboken Italian Festival — which will be at a new location this year. The 2022 Feast of the Madonna dei Martiri will take place over four days at the "perfect spot," organizers say, at Hoboken's south waterf...
READ MOREGreat success for the Miss Italia America presentation gala in the USA on 30 July 2022 in Miami Beach. Official start of the contest so dear to Enzo Mirigliani, historical Patron of the Miss Italy event that launched stars like Sophia Loren. To win the crown of Miss Italia America, girls of Italian American origin from all over the United States, w...
READ MORENella sede romana della Stampa Estera è stata presentata la ITALICA GLOBAL COMMUNITY, gli oltre 250 milioni di persone che nel mondo abbracciano e condividono i valori, gli stili di vita e i modelli dell’Italian way of life diffuso e apprezzato nei cinque continenti. L’obiettivo è di costruire un network di stabili relazioni con la grande e autorev...
READ MOREL’attore Salvatore Esposito, noto in tutto il mondo per le brillanti interpretazioni di Gennaro Savastano nelle serie Gomorra e di Gaetano Fadda nella 4° serie di Fargo, Patricia de Stacy Harrison chairman del Niaf e lo stilista Alviero Martini, sono tra i premiati dell’edizione 2021 del “Patrimonio Italiano Awards”, il prestigioso riconoscimento i...
READ MORECiao from Rome to all the friends of We the Italians. In three weeks, everything has changed here in Italy. We are in lockdown. The explosion of the coronavirus has disrupted the lives of all of us, and the fear is that this thing will last a long time and will spread, indeed it is already spreading, everywhere. These are very, very difficult days,...
READ MOREVideo: February 18 2020 Roma, Italy
READ MOREJust like the Oscars, the gala held Thursday night at Rome’s music auditorium included a red carpet complete with a noisy cluster of paparazzi snapping pouting actors. Most people, however, would have struggled to put a name to the faces. Their voices, though, are as familiar to Italian audiences as those of Jennifer Lawrence, Bruce Willis and Ange...