Flavors at High Altitude: Discover Typical Mountain Products from Northern and Southern Italy

Jun 21, 2023 841

Small and red, mountain fruits such as blueberries, wild blackberries, raspberries and strawberries grown at high altitudes beautify recipes and the skin of those who enjoy them-because they are so rich in anthocyanins, the "anti-aging" of nutrition. Used to adorn typical desserts in Tyrolean bakeries, or in contemporary recipes such as raspberry ice cream with rosemary, sour cream and pumpkin seed oil invented by young chef Philipp Fallmerayer.

Mountain strawberries, like those grown in the pristine alpine silence of Val Martello, are to be tasted at least once in a lifetime. In June, the Strawberry Festival is celebrated in Martello, heartland of the Stelvio National Park, with giant cake and strawberry dumplings.

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SOURCE: https://www.e-borghi.com

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