The flavours of Lombardy

May 18, 2018 1157

Lombardy is not just Fashion and not just Milan. Lombard food and farming production system is the most important in Italy and one of the most relevant in the European context. Overall, agroindustry production in the region is worth more than 12 billion euros, which is equal to around 15% of the national total.

According to data supplied by Unioncamere Lombardia, exports in the first six months of 2017 went over 3 billion euros and registered a 10.3% increase compared to the same period the previous year. The most significant increases are those of processed and conserved meat (+19.1%) and dairy products (+15%). The European Union is the main end-market for Lombard agri-food products (71% of exports) but other markets are increasing significantly, with a record rise for Asia (+70% in the first nine months of 2017). Driving exports is the food and drinks industry (+11% compared to +1.3% for agriculture, forestry and fishing) which makes up an important section of the regional and national economy.

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