Flora the goddess at Villa Torrigiani

Sep 27, 2017 1028

Villa Torrigiani – located in the municipality of Capannori, Lucca – dates back to at least the late 16th century, and features a beautiful Baroque façade created during a renovation in the late 1600s. What it is most famous for, however, is probably its enclosed garden, completely dedicated to flowers that grow between walls, geometrical hedges, a large fishpond, statues and vases.

The beautiful park is accessed from a magnificent system of Imperial staircases, and known as Garden of Flora. Its southern section hides a splendid nymphaeum – the Grotto of the Winds – with an octagonal pavilion surmounted by a dome, and wrought iron decorations including a statue of the Roman goddess, often represented as a personification of spring during the Renaissance.

SOURCE: http://www.italianways.com

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