“The future of made in Italy, including wine, is at the top of the range in the world’s markets”

Sep 28, 2022 802

Even for the wine and food companies made in Italy, expressions of a historically anti-cyclical segment of the economy, it is not an easy time. But the future is open and with concrete opportunities for growth, if we focus on the top of the range in the world’s markets.

What all made in Italy must do, and how it will also do in its new corporate structure Eataly, the creature of Oscar Farinetti, which, in almost 20 years of activity, has given an important impulse to the distribution and image of Italian wine & food in the world, and which will continue to do so even now that the majority will pass into the hands of Industrial of the Bonomi family, with 52% (and a capital increase of 200 million euros, ed.).

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SOURCE: https://winenews.it

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