Italian Capital of Culture 2024: here are the 10 finalists

Feb 01, 2022 1205

Ascoli Piceno, Chioggia (VE), Grosseto, Mesagne (BR), Pesaro, Sestri Levante with the Tigullio (GE), Siracusa, Union of Municipalities Paestum-Alto Cilento (SA), Viareggio (LU), Vicenza. These are the 10 finalist cities for the title of Capital of Culture 2024, announced today by the Ministry of Culture.

The selected cities, informed by the Ministery of Culture, will be audited via video-conference, on the next 3 and 4 March 2022 by the Jury chaired by Silvia Calandrelli who will then have to indicate to Minister Dario Franceschini the most suitable candidacy.

Over the years, the title of Capital of Culture has been assigned to the cities of Cagliari, Lecce, Perugia, Ravenna and Siena in 2015; Mantua in 2016; Pistoia in 2017, Palermo in 2018, Parma in 2020 and 2021, Procida is the capital of 2022, Bergamo and Brescia will be the capitals in 2023.

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