Italian Fashion Put Under Spotlight at Milan’s Triennale

Jan 07, 2016 1238

by Pia Capelli

Building a map of the contemporary Italian fashion scene is not an easy task. La Triennale in Milan is endeavoring to do so with an exhibition titled "The New Vocabulary of Italian Fashion." The show's time frame starts with 1998, the year of the beginning of the Digital Era (with the birth of Google and the launch of the first Apple's iMac).

Yet the display is not arranged in a chronological order: it includes womenswear, menswear, accessories, jewelry and experimental projects from the last 17 years, dividing them into keyword-themed rooms: A for Archetype, C for Construction, L for Laboratorio (Workshop), M for Material, D for Detail, O for Ornament, P for Photography, S for Surface, U for Uniform.

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