The Italian “ PDO Economy” exceeds 20 billion euros

Dec 21, 2023 214

In 2022, the Italian PDOeconomy, encompassing PDO and PGI food and beverage products, breached the 20 billion euro mark, marking a +6.4% annual surge (source: 21st Ismea-Qualivita Report). This milestone accounts for a substantial 20% slice of the overall turnover in the Italian agri-food sector.

The food sector notched up nearly nine billion euros, registering a +9% growth, while the wine sector exceeded 11 billion euros, showing a +5% increase. These figures underscore the robust resilience of the Italian PDOeconomy. This well-coordinated system boasts 296 protection Consortia and over 195,000 businesses across the food and wine supply chains, engaging almost 900,000 workers.

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