Italian street art on the podium of one hundred most beautiful murals in the world

Jan 24, 2023 574

Seven works and six Italian street artists are competing for the world's most beautiful murals. They are part of the ranking of 100 works collected by the "Street Art Cities" platform in 92 cities in 30 countries to democratically elect by online app vote the best mural work created in 2022.

And among the roller- and spray-painted facades of Buenos Aires, Tilburg and Le Mans, murals from Adria (Rovigo), Cefalù (Palermo), Mantua, Palermo, San Pietro Magisano (Catanzaro), Taranto and Uras (Oristano) also pop up.

From the tribute to the small Sardinian town of Uras curated by Mauro Patta, a native of Atzara, to the swan "Psyche" in Mantua, a work by Vesod Brero of Turin, the mathematical artist who is the son of surrealist painter Dovilio Brero. In Adria, in the province of Rovigo, Vera Bugatti painted Reflecting Again. mural dedicated to uniqueness and diversity.

Among the competing works, to be voted online by Jan. 31, are also those of Catanzaro-based writer Claudio Chiaravalloti created in San Pietro Magisano and Dutch street artist Judith de Leeuw, aka JDL returned once again to Italy with a mural in Taranto, part of the larger "Trust" urban regeneration project.

Two Sicilians. Serradifalco street artist Giulio Rosk with "The Girl of the Future," the title of the mural created last February, in the Nicola Barbato passageway in the Brancaccio neighborhood, and Andrea Buglisi with the diptych "Controcorrente" in the Spinito neighborhood in Cefalù, among the 100 most beautiful street art works of 2022. A competition with votes that gathered works from 92 cities and 30 countries and with only six Italians in the running, including precisely the two Sicilian artists.

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