Italy will soon have its own register of Historical Workshops

Dec 10, 2024 190

BY: Matteo Cerri

Italy is a mosaic of traditions, culture and craftsmanship that tells a story unique in the world. Among the alleys and squares of Italian cities, historic stores are the silent guardians of this heritage, handing down for generations the knowledge, techniques and values that help define the identity of our country.

To protect and enhance this priceless heritage, the government has approved the establishment of a new National Register of Commercial Activities, Craft Shops and Historical Exercises, an initiative that represents a turning point in the protection of local excellence and Made in Italy.

The idea of creating a national register dedicated to historic activities stems from the need to preserve artisan and commercial stores from threats such as globalization and standardization, which often penalize small businesses in favor of large industrial chains. This tool aims to census, protect and promote establishments that boast at least 50 years of activity, enhancing their role in local culture and economy.

The legislative decree preliminarily approved a National Register managed by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy. Through collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, these activities will be integrated into tourist and promotional circuits, strengthening the link between crafts, trade and culture.

Historic workshops are not simply places of sale or production: they are treasure chests of artisan knowledge, true symbols of a way of doing business that combines quality, innovation and respect for traditions. From shoemakers who repair shoes with ancient mastery, to pottery workshops where colors and shapes come to life according to centuries-old techniques, to small grocery stores that guard recipes handed down from generation to generation: each store tells a story that deserves to be heard and valued.

These activities also represent an important economic value, not only for local communities, but for the entire Italian system. The formal recognition given by the National Register not only protects these businesses, but also makes them more competitive, allowing them to access new business and tourism opportunities.

Thanks to this measure, Italy is at the forefront of protecting and enhancing its local heritage. Historical workshops are not just the past, but the future of a Made in Italy that wants to remain synonymous with excellence and authenticity. The journey has begun, and it is up to all of us to support it, with the pride of those who recognize the value of their roots.

SOURCE: Millionaire

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