Made in Sicily at the Expo from September 4th till 17th

Sep 02, 2015 894

From friday, September 4th until Thursday September 17th, Sicily will the protagonist of the a two week project at Expo Milan. The space, created in collaboration with the Sicilian government, is set up to be a showcase for Sicilian excellences. At the opening, the president of Unioncamere Sicilia, Antonello Montante and the Secretary-General, Santa Vaccaro, will explain the objectives and strategies to promote Sicily as "Brand Sicily".

The initiative is part of the project "Your Gate to Sicilian Excellence" and is sponsored by Unioncamere Sicilia in collaboration with the Regional Department for Industry. From September 4th to 17th, visitors can experience the culinary and historic heritage of Sicily through workshops, tastings, events for children.

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