Media and Culture in Italy Debate

Jan 27, 2013 1699

AUR President Richard Hodges was the moderator of a conference on Media advocacy for Italy's Cultural Heritage, which was held at the British School at Rome on January 24th and featured the most prominent players on the Italian and international cultural and media arenas in Rome.

The conference, organized by the British School at Rome, in partnership with the RAI program Heritage, Viaggio nel Patrimonio dell'Umanità, tackled the role of the Italian media in supporting Italy's still largely unexplored cultural patrimony resources, which include most of the UNESCO world heritage sites.

Italy's Cultural Heritage Minister Lorenzo Ornaghi and his councilor Daniel Berger were amongst the participants, together with Anna Maria Tarantola, RAI's President, Graham Ellis, Acting Director for Audio and Music at BBC radio, Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, director of the Herculaneum Conservation Project, Christopher Smith, Director of the British School at Rome, Philippe Ridet, Le Monde correspondent and Antonio Paolucci, Director of the Vatican Museums.

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