More than a quarter (27%) of Italian wine sold around the world is sparkling. Demand is increasing

Jul 25, 2024 129

The hot topics discussed for some time now have all revolved around changes in consumption as well as growth, for wine, of more ready-to-drink products, therefore white wines and especially sparkling wines. Sparkling wines are drunk more and more during the meal (they also have an essential role in mixology), and are very appealing to the new generations.

Plus, they are indirectly assisted by the climate becoming warmer and warmer, which often makes bubbles and white wines preferable to reds. The numbers have confirmed this trend. In the period January to April 2024, Italian sparkling wine exports, globally, reached almost 684 million euros (+11.2% in value compared to the same period in 2023), and 160.6 million liters (+14 .3% in volume compared to the first quarter of 2023). 

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