Repopulating small villages: which Italian municipalities pay those who move there?

Apr 01, 2023 668

There are many municipalities looking for residents in 2023. For years, in fact, there have been several boroughs, north and south, paying citizens to incentivize relocation and try to reverse trends that see them increasingly deserted. For some time now, there have been various tax incentives to encourage housing resettlement and repopulation of small towns.

Among the main incentives, for example, are the 15,000-euro non-refundable Housing Bonus active in Sardinia, the possibility of taking out symbolic rents, and the Remote Work Bonus. Different types of aid are present in Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Molise, where those affected are either mountainous municipalities or those under 2,000 inhabitants.

The most substantial help comes from Calabria, where the municipalities of Santa Severina, San Donato di Ninea, Aieta, Civita, Caccuri, Albidona, Sant'Agata del Bianco, Samo and Bova, municipalities all with less than 2,000 inhabitants, are the target of the intervention of the Calabria Region, which has allocated 28,000 euros for their repopulation for all those under 40 interested in opening or taking over a business.

A story very similar to that of Roseto Valfortore, an Apulian village in the province of Foggia, where the mayor offers 5 thousand euros to anyone who decides to move and open a business.

A short distance from Roseto Valfortore is Candela, a town populated in the 1990s by more than 8,000 inhabitants, which today seems willing to shell out 2,000 euros for those who take up residence and buy a home. In detail, 800 euros are available for singles interested in relocation, which becomes 1,200 for couples and 1,500/1,800 for families.

In Sardinia, on the other hand, the Regional Administration, makes available a non-refundable Bonus for those who buy or renovate home in a small municipality with less than 3 thousand inhabitants. Of course, even in this case it is necessary to move to the hamlet and apply for residency within 18 months of purchase.

In Emilia-Romagna, the first announcement dates back to 2020, and it has been confirmed every year since then and provides incentives for those who are no older than 40 years old, and are resident and working in the region. The non-repayable contribution can be up to 30,000 euros, and of course income also counts for scoring purposes.

In Veneto, on the other hand, 465 municipalities have been selected, where those who decide to move can get non-repayable grants of up to 40 thousand euros. These resources go mainly to small high-altitude villages.

The repopulation in the mountains, proposed through the incentives of the regional administration of Piedmont, concerns as many as 465 municipalities in the Alps, where people can receive incentives of up to 40 thousand euros to move to live and work, at high altitudes. There were 302 applications funded in 2022 and received a total of 10 million euros in grants.

Thanks to the part of the European recovery plan related to Italian villages, there are two calls in particular, for which a sum of more than 1 billion euros has been allocated: the first call allocates 420 million euros, divided among 21 regions and autonomous provinces, to a "pilot" village at risk of abandonment where to make interventions aimed at its repopulation (meaning 20 million euros for each of the 21 selected villages). In contrast, the second call provides 580 million euros, to be distributed among 229 small municipalities.

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