Signed the agreement for the launch of the Recovery Plan Project dedicated to "Turismo delle Radici"

Feb 11, 2022 778

The Director General of the Mission Unit for the implementation of the Recovery Plan of the Ministry of Culture, Angelantonio Orlando, and the Director General for Italians Abroad of the Farnesina, Luigi Maria Vignali, signed today, at the Ministry of Culture, the Agreement that officially launches the Recovery Plan Project "Tourism of the Roots - an integrated strategy for the recovery of the tourism sector in post-Covid-19 Italy", thanks to the technical support and guidance provided by the Central Service for the Recovery Plan.

The Project is part of the investment for the "Attractiveness of the Villages" of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and proposes a wide range of tourism offers targeted to the vast audience of Italian descendants and Italian oriundi in the world (estimated at about 80 million).

The initiative, which is highly innovative, was developed by the Farnesina and the Ministry of Culture thanks to the contributions of a special Technical Table on Roots Tourism, launched since 2018 in collaboration with Regions, local authorities, academic and research centers, museum bodies and libraries, tour operators and communities of Italians abroad.

Italian communities abroad will thus be involved throughout the world both in the enhancement of our tourist offer and in an articulated strategy aimed at reversing the process of impoverishment of Italian villages. Rediscovering the roots will allow for an "all-round" rediscovery of the places of origin, allowing visitors to regain possession of the culture of their origins also through traditions, testimonies, crafts and gastronomy. An emotional journey to recognize and promote the identity of our country and actively support the post-Covid revival of our tourism and our economy.


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