Take A Tour Of Italy’s Culinary Wonders On A Ducati Scrambler

Apr 02, 2021 477

BY: Dustin Wheelen

From the initial COVID-19 outbreak in March, 2020, to the surges in summer and fall, travel policies haven’t been conducive to globetrotting. To help escape the monotony of an endless lockdown, some travel vicariously. YouTube is the perfect platform for such a virtual escape and olive oil importer David Dellanave takes us on a tour of Italy’s culinary contributions with From the Source.

Now, if you’re going to travel through Italy’s Motor Valley, you’d be remiss not to do it aboard a Ducati. The Borgo Panigale brand epitomizes the region’s craftsmanship and tradition, and there’s no better soundtrack to accompany the Italian countryside than a fire-breathing L-twin. 

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SOURCE: https://www.rideapart.com

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