The “American Lectures” of Italo Calvino performed by Giorgio Albertazzi

Nov 07, 2013 965

Giorgio Albertazzi, an acclaimed Italian actor and filmmaker, is performing a show from November 1 until November 17 on the American lectures of Italo Calvino. These lectures are five in total that Italo Calvino wrote and for the Charles Eliot Norton Lectures for poetry at Harvard University.

Calvino wrote in his introduction "I would like to devote my lectures to certain values, certain quality, or certain specificity of literature that are particularly dear to me, trying to put them in the perspective of the next millennium." His lectures identify five values for literature of this century: lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility and multiplicity. He sights many authors including Lucretius, Ovid, Boccaccio and Cavalcanti to explain the ideals.

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