The storyteller of Italian taste: the new profession for “Made in Italy”

Sep 19, 2015 1067

In the year of Expo the University of Urbino has created a new course that will train students for a profession that is directly linked to the Italian tradition of food, well-being and storytelling. The new figure, presented during the Expo, is called "Narratore del gusto e della cultura, Comunicatore del benessere, Selezionatore delle tipicità italiane" (that we might translate as a "Storyteller of taste and culture, Communicator of well-being and Selector of Italian authentic products); the course will be held within the Corso di Alta Formazione (High Training School) of the prestigious college in Urbino. Admission requests can be submitted through Sept. 5th.

"This new profession will have multiple job opportunities in the food industry, in hotels and restaurants and in the larger eno-gastronomic tourism sector", says Rodolfo Coccioni, professor at the Università di Urbino. "It's the first time ever that such a course has been created – globally – and it will establish a direct link with all the related industries". In fact, the Corso di Alta Formazione will set up a network of agencies, food industries and international teachers.

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