Travel: 8 lesser-known sights of Rome

Jul 06, 2021 413

BY: Emma Joseph

Near the top of most travel wish-lists, sights like the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and St Peter’s Basilica are legendary, but there’s plenty more to the Italian capital that can’t all fit on the cover of the guidebooks. We don’t imagine Gareth Southgate’s boys will get to go sightseeing, but here are a few lesser-known spots they should check out if they do…

1. The Pyramid of Cestius

Right at home among historic ruins, though usually those of a different civilisation, this derivative tomb channels the even-more-ancient pyramids of Nubia, and cuts a surreal figure on the modern Roman skyline. Often called the only “Egyptian” pyramid in Europe, it’s much pointier than your usual pyramids and marked the resting place of a Roman nobleman between 18 and 12BC.

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