Turning point for Abruzzo wines: a vineyard map defines the territory’s suitability

Mar 17, 2025 93

An intuitive map of the region's vineyards, providing valuable insights for winegrowers in their agronomic and production choices. The Abruzzo wine industry now finally has a detailed map identifying the area's suitability for viticulture. The credit goes to Ado Abruzzo – Areali delle quattro D.O. Abruzzo per una caratterizzazione moderna, a project led by the Consorzio di Tutela Vini d'Abruzzo in collaboration with Ager (Agriculture and Research), the results of which were presented in Francavilla al Mare on Monday, 10 March.

This extensive cataloguing and characterisation effort has mapped over 155,000 plots, covering a total of 33,964 hectares of vineyards, with 118 different grape varieties. The georeferencing of data and the use of big data (the Enogis platform has integrated various layers of information into a single map) have made it possible to achieve this result.

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SOURCE: https://www.gamberorossointernational.com/

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