White Lotus boosted flights from US to Italy by over 200%

Apr 05, 2024 1304

The second season of award-winning HBO dark comedy White Lotus, set in Taormina in Sicily, boosted flights from the US to Italy by 205%, Tourism Minister Daniela Santanchè said Thursday. Flights from Germany rose by even more, 265%, in the wake of the mini-series screening from October to December 2022, she said.

Further, Santanchè said, "the season generated an economic impact of 32 million euros, helping create 1,500 jobs and the production involved 700 Italian firms, bringing a contribution of 38 million euros to national GDP". Santanchè said that cinema and TV films were "a powerful means of promoting the beauty and excellence of our nation in an international context".

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SOURCE: https://www.ansa.it

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