by Claudia Astarita   If we think of Roman cookery, what comes to mind is an image of the people. More than elsewhere, in Rome and Lazio, food brings with it the aromas and noises of the taverns, recipes using simple ingredients, and robust strong flavours.   These "humble" origins created a tradition based on the principle of using w...

Anche un'italiana tra le app dell'anno premiate da Facebook. La bolognese musiXmatch si è aggiudicata il riconoscimento per Europa, Medioriente e Africa per il FbStart Apps of the Year, il concorso che premia le migliori app mobile aderenti al Programma. L'entusiasmo per i premi è stato alto quest'anno se si considerano le oltre mille iscrizioni pr...

Christian Dior has finally found its designer. In a move that will break up one of the most feted design teams in fashion, Maria Grazia Chiuri of Valentino is expected to be named artistic director of Dior, becoming the first woman to lead the brand in its 70-year history.   The move, which is expected to be announced next month, has th...

Precious, small sculptures from the Medici collections, dating from Francesco I de' Medici's original collection up to the Grand Duke Leopoldo, are on display in Florence up to November 2 at the Gallerie degli Uffizi.   The exhibition opens with a handful of examples illustrating the characteristics of small-format sculptures of the Classica...

Obiettivo centrato. L'imprenditore Enrico Bergamelli e il coach Aldo Zini hanno vinto, nella categoria team maschili a due under 50, la celebre Race across America di ultracycling. I due hanno attraversato con successo gli Stati Uniti, percorrendo le 3069 miglia in otto giorni, 10 ore e 59 minuti, arrivando al traguardo di Annapolis.  ...

August 6, 2016 marked the official sister city relationship between the Borough of Roselle Park and the Community of Arpino Italy. At a special meeting of the Council of Arpino, surrounded by a gallery of art, the Mayor and Council unanimously approved the sister city relationship to build artistic and cultural bonds as well as the added benefit of...

Anche se ti chiami Kennedy non è detto che il tuo destino sia quello di entrare in politica. Magari sei solo un ragazzo normale classe '84 che, come molti suoi coetanei americani, ha deciso di studiare un anno in Italia e ha vissuto come uno dei tanti studenti universitari fuori sede, tra amori incasinati, nuovi amici, discoteche, lavori improvvisa...

The annual international conference of the Council for the United States and Italy will take place in Venice from Friday, June 7, to Saturday, June 8, 2013 at the Hotel Excelsior, Venice Lido. Attendance is reserved only to members of the Council and invited guests, including Italian and key international figures from politics, acade...

by Ms. Julie Lucas   VICENZA, Italy -- The sound of horns filled the air at Caserma Renato Del Din in Vicenza, Italy, as a ceremony took place July 2, officially opening the newest military installation in Europe. Numerous dignitaries, both American and Italian, were at the ceremony to see history unfold. Caserma Del Din, built on the forme...

If you're heading to Italy on holiday before the end of the year, make sure you take advantage of a new initiative called 'Night at the Museum'.   Not to be confused with the Ben Stiller movies, this programme has actually been conceived by the Italian culture ministry and will see 38 of Italy's most important museums and archaeological site...

by Silvia Simonetti   Sometimes we are too prone to think that countries like Italy, rich in artistic, historical, natural, and culinary traditions, barely need any promotion as tourist destinations.   Thanks to its stunning landscapes, fascinating lifestyle, and quality manufacturing, Italy is also supposed to attract investments and...

by Laura Cavestri   The Italian Ministry of Economic Development said its year-long series of "Roadshow for SMEs internationalization" proves that trade groups can work together to help small- and medium-sized companies increase their exports.   This year, 3113 businesses took part in the 12-meeting series of "roadshows" – the first s...