By Mariella Radaelli Since my Italian-American Italy has long been renowned for its miracles in stone. From Roman amphitheaters and aqueducts to Michelangelo's David, the people from this mountainous land have produced creations that made history.   The Latins converted the untamed into cultivated spaces, laying claim to new territories. "U...

"Creazione di start up e internazionalizzazione: i casi di successo e le opportunità concrete": questo il titolo del forum organizzato da Italian Business & Investment Initiative che si terrà all'Università Bocconi questo pomeriggio alle 18 nell'Aula Magna di via Gobbi. Protagonisti dell'incontro saranno casi di successo a livello internaziona...

Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson and Dustin Hoffman are set to play themselves on holiday around Italy in a film directed by Paul Sorvino called One More Time, their agent said Monday.   Venice, Florence and the Tuscan riviera will be among the places the Hollywood legends will visit, Oscar Generale said on a location-picking missio...

Finalmente una buona notizia. Nei primi nove mesi del 2013, l'export italiano ha superato i livelli pre-crisi: rispetto al 2008, infatti, l'incremento medio nazionale è stato del 2,6 per cento. Ad analizzare i dati è l'Ufficio studi della CGIA di Mestre, sottolineando che nei primi nove mesi di sei anni fa l'Italia ha esportato merci e servizi per...

by Marco Gasperetti Il rating è lunghissimo, un elenco di più di seimila nomi, ordinato rigorosamente, come una classifica universale. Sono le lingue più studiate al mondo. Al primo posto, e non è una notizia, c'è l'inglese, al secondo il francese, al terzo lo spagnolo.   E, sorpresa, al quarto c'è l'italiano. Sì, proprio l'idioma di Dante,...

The Italian Ministry for Economic Development released some exciting news recently that will further catalyze the innovative startup stew that is bubbling in Italy.   Foreign nationals in Italy can now apply for the permesso di soggiorno, the document required to be obtained to stay in Italy, specifically within the new category of "innovati...

By Laura Johannes The Ache: Common cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins can have unpleasant side effects, including muscle aches and weakness. The Claim: An extract from a bitter, fragrant citrus fruit called bergamot, commonly known as a flavoring in Earl Grey tea, can lower cholesterol with minimal side effects, some scientists say. It...

L’on. Fucsia Nissoli (Pi) l’11 marzo scorso ha partecipato, a Roma, assieme al Vice Ministro dell’Agricoltura, Andrea Olivero, alla serata “Sapori mediterranei sotto le stelle”, in cui oltre a promuovere l’agroalimentare italiano all’estero, sono state premiate le eccellenze sia artistiche che della produzione agricola legata alla dieta mediterrane...

An Italian music-focused Kickstarter rival, Musicraiser, is opening offices in London and New York. To date, the crowdfunding platform has matched funding to over 500 projects, helping artists raise more than €1.6m.   Musicraiser was founded in 2012 by Italian musician Giovanni Gulino, of the band Marta Sui Tubi. It allows musicians to...

Many children and grandchildren of immigrants have only dreamed of returning to their ancestral birthplaces. But U.S. Ambassador to Italy and Leechburg High School graduate John Phillips and his brothers were able to pay a visit last fall to the small towns of Frisanco and Poffabro in northeastern Italy, where their grandparents grew up. &nbs...

The John R. Mott Scholarship Foundation of Washington, D.C., dedicated to the education of the children of Calabria, Italy, held its annual award ceremony and reception on June 19, at the Principessa Hotel in Campora San Giovani, Cosenza, Italy.   At the ceremony, 148 academic scholarships have been awarded to students from the Region of Cal...

by Rick Zullo   I'm making a prediction: this podcast episode will become my most downloaded track on iTunes within a short time. What makes me think this? Well, two things. First, because the title is certain to attract people's attention when it pops up in a search. From my Google stats, I know that "dating Italian women," "sex in Italy,"...