Leading up to the May 16, 2014, release of Warner Bros. Pictures' and Legendary Pictures' hugely anticipated epic action adventure "Godzilla," FIAT Brand North America launches a new commercial across television on Monday, May 5. The 30-second spot features Godzilla rampaging through an American city, targeting anyone driving a FIAT vehicle. ...

Innovative projects, creativity, courage and willingness to work on solving challenging problems. These are the main ingredients of StartupNA (Na stands for Naples), a series of participatory networking events that they define as TechCocktails, dedicated to the world of startups.   This meetings are organized by Antonio Prigiobbo, creator of...

Sul fronte della lotta al cancro allo stomaco arrivano buone notizie che parlano italiano. Un team di ricercatori diretti dal professor Antonio Giordano fondatore e direttore dell'Istituto Sbarro per la Ricerca sul Cancro e Medicina Molecolare di Philadelphia, e docente di Anatomia ed Istologia Patologica presso l'Università di Siena, ha recentemen...

by Evelina Marchesini   The Italians united to present the Bel Paese's most interesting projects to foreign investors at the MIPIM in Cannes, an audience of 21,000 real estate professionals coming from all over the world.   With the motto "Italy: an investor friendly market," ANCE, ITA, the ministry for the Economic Development, Assoi...

by Rachel Sanderson   It is six o'clock on a warm spring evening at Camparino, a historic Milan cocktail bar overlooking the city's Gothic cathedral, and happy hour is in full swing. Wine glasses filled with red- and orange-coloured spirits populate the tables.   Tourists and Italians chatter. Waiters hover. It is a scene that br...

by Emanuele Scarci   The Italians are able to export even beer, which is a typical product of Northern Europe. Last year, according to data from trade group Federalimentare, Italian beer exports were €154 million, up 16%, while imports remained stable at €490 million, up 0.8%.   This is because of the multinationals that contro...

di Filomena Fuduli Sorrentino    Eventi, convegni e musica in Italia e in tutti i continenti per la 15esima Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo dal tema "Italiano della musica, musica dell'italiano". Tutti gli incontri condividevano lo stesso obiettivo: valorizzare l'uso dell'italiano come strategia di comunicazione a livello...

PER ORA ha "solo" due milioni di neuroni contro il miliardo circa di un cervello reale. Ma Annabell ha ancora tanta strada da fare. Così, Annabell, è stato battezzato il primo cervello artificiale che ha imparato il linguaggio umano'dialogando' con l'uomo a partire da zero, quando era cioè una vera e propria 'tabula rasa'.   Descritto nella...

by Claudia baroncelli   If you are looking for a romantic place to spend a weekend with your sweetheart, know that Italy has plenty of wonderful fairy tale locations to enjoy beautiful landscapes with an out-of-time atmosphere. From the North to the South you can choose amongst a large variety of luxurious stays where have some moments of re...

by Alberto Nardelli and George Arnett   Some British cafes serve drinks with 25 teaspoons of sugar per cup. Not in Italy. In Italy coffee is synonymous with espresso. Ask for a coffee in a bar from Trieste to Palermo and you will be presented with an espresso. You may drink it seated (usually more expensive), or standing, al banco....

Hoboken filmmaker Frank Gigante recently received a recognition award on behalf of the Mayor of Andria, in the Puglia region of Italy, for sharing a film based on local traditions and culture on weddings in the 1960s, a sort of history piece.   The film "La Zuite" by Sabino Matera and directed by Umberto Sardella, about a wedding in Andria i...

Perhaps this is an answer who those who doubt the Holocaust veracity. It comes from a little town in southern Italy. The very first museum was inaugurated Jan. 14, 2009, in the town of Santa Maria al Bagno that hosted thousands of holocaust survivors and refugees of the Nazi persecution in the years 1944-1947. The town was also a stopping poin...