The finances of the "Great Pompeii Project" are in the black for the first time as of December 31, 2014.   After a number of structures at the ancient Roman site collapsed, prompting an international outcry, and after an extremely slow start to restoration work, finally there's hope that the ancient city will be rebuilt and secured, to prese...

A few days ago, ArchDaily, one of the most famous American website covering architecture and interior design trends with over 80.000.000 monthly page views, published the names of the winners of its 2015 edition of the "Building of the Year" competition.   Thousands of projects competed this year and ArchDaily readers had to go through all t...

Borsalino hats, one of the symbols of Italian fashion, are being eyed by large foreign financial and industrial groups. The situation is still developing, and it intertwines with the legal quandary involving the apparel company's majority shareholder Marco Marenco.   Piedmont financier Marenco is currently on the run abroad after his network...

Turin's archbishop says interest in the Shroud of Turin is so keen that many pilgrims who already saw the burial cloth some believe covered Jesus are traveling back to the northern Italian city to see it again when it goes back on display starting Sunday.   The 4.3-meter (14-foot) long cloth will be displayed from April 19 to June 24. Pope F...

by Serena Perfetta   Passion for photography and art is something that can develop during somebody's life in a totally unexpected way. Or it can be the result of a very special moment. This is the case for Vittoria Zupicich, an Italian photographer born in Umbria, now living in San Francisco.   While her story may sound familiar to ma...

Il Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali e quello dello Sviluppo Economico hanno lanciato un marchio unitario che certifica i prodotti agroalimentari italiani di qualità distribuiti all'estero. Il logo riporta le parole "The Extraordinary Italian Taste" sullo sfondo di un tricolore italiano con tre onde che richiamano il concett...

Nella giornata di martedì 23 giugno si è celebrata la centesima Assemblea dei Soci della American Chamber of Commerce in Italy presso il Padiglione USA ad Expo 2015.   Nel corso dell'evento, che è stato seguito da un cocktail di festeggiamento del centenario con oltre 350 ospiti, sono stati approvati i risultati della Camera dell'anno 2014,...

di Nazareno Dinoi   La conferma che la «rocca con il tempio di Minerva» raccontata da Virgilio nell'Eneide, dove approdò Enea in fuga da Troia, fosse l'attuale Castro, era nascosta sotto tre metri di terra in pieno centro storico della piccola località del basso Salento: è il busto di una statua di donna, dal raffinato drappeggio, di proporz...

by Claudia Astarita Oil is one of the crucial elements of Italian diet and food industry. Therefore, it seems essential to be able to distinguish among the different kinds. According to Luigi Caricato – oil expert – there are four main categories of oil. Namely, from the top to the bottom we find the extravergin olive oil, the olive oil, the...

The Immaculate Conception of Mary is the dogma that according to Roman Catholic Church the Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin – the one that every man is born with. The feast is celebrated on the 8th December, in a variety of different forms, and in Southern and Central Italy, the tradition takes on a very unique stance. Bonfires are l...

Galleriste, direttrici di musei, di fiere, di accademie. Negli ultimi mesi si è assistito a un netto aumento delle presenze femminili ai vertici di istituzioni e di sedi private che si occupano di arte a vari livelli. Ma come si arriva a ricoprire ruoli di potere in questo settore?   Certamente si parte quasi sempre da una formazione in mate...

Nutella is an Italian product famous around the world. Ferrero – the Italian company based in Alba (Cuneo) – is the "father" of the well-known gourmandise. The company emerged as a colossus since it was founded in 1946 by Michele Ferrero, who has recently passed away (February 2015), but remain famus as the inventor of Ferrero Rocher.   Besi...