An Italian Twist on an American Thanksgiving

Nov 20, 2014 811

Whether you're looking forward to the mashed potatoes or the deals at Best Buy, we can't believe that Thanksgiving is only a week away! Before you get out those old, stained cookbooks and handwritten recipe cards, think about adding some new Thanksgiving favorites to your table this year!

Many Italian Americans serve a pasta dish at Thanksgiving, so why not introduce some traditional Italian flavors throughout the meal, as well? This year, we rounded up some Italian-inspired Thanksgiving recipes from our favorite chefs to give you options for changing up everything from the classic American green bean casserole to the star of every Thanksgiving meal, the turkey. And, if you're not willing to part with dad's famous stuffing recipe, why not help yourself to a balsamic bloody Mary or an espresso soda during the morning craziness instead?

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