La campagna di raccolta fondi #Italystaystrong lanciata dall’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington e da Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation (ISSNAF, e sostenuta da un’intensa azione di promozione della rete diplomatico-consolare negli USA, supera la soglia del mezzo milione di dollari.
Oltre 600 donazioni – da studenti a ricercatori, da membri della collettività a rappresentanti delle comunità italo-americane, dalle imprese a esponenti di spicco della Silicon Valley – hanno consentito di superare il traguardo di 500mila USD.
Please join Mia Maria Order Sons of Italy in America Lodge #2813 as we host the 2015...
AGENDA 12.00 – 12.15 Light lunch12.15 – 12.30Welcome addresses Lorenzo Mannelli, MD, PhD...
As the Italian government prepares to bring in “phase two” of the national lockdown measur...
Italy delivered the first shocking confirmation of locally transmitted coronavirus infecti...
by Pamela MacKenzie He may have some irreverent slants on life and some jokes in...
The first line in the email said everything. "Buffalo lost a part of its soul yesterday wi...
Millie Santilli saw the writing on the wall for St. Brigid Church, of which she had been a...
For those struggling with lockdown in Italy right now - or the prospect of it elsewhere -...