'Bad boy' Mike Marino helps disabled girl, Brianna Feeney

Dec 22, 2015 3749

by Pamela MacKenzie

He may have some irreverent slants on life and some jokes in language that your mother wouldn't let you use, but Mike Marino redeamed himself Friday night by headlining a fundraising performance to benefit the darling of South Plainfied, six-year-old Brianna Feeney, who suffers from a rare genetic disorder known as Pallister Killian Syndrome, or PKS.

The performance was organized by the South Plainfield Elks Lodge and conducted at the Union Elks Lodge. Other comedians who performed included Pam Debutts, Dr. John Kelly and Tim Balford, all New Jersey natives who were happy to help out for a good cause.

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Source: http://www.mycentraljersey.com/

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