President and delegation of Lombardy Region on institutional mission to the U.S.

May 22, 2024 428

Institutional mission to the US, until Sunday, May 26, for the president of the Lombardy Region, the alderman for Welfare and the undersecretary of the Presidency with responsibility for International and European Relations. Washington, Chicago and Indianapolis are the stops on the trip. The goal is to enhance Lombardy's attractiveness to U.S.

investors, promote Lombardy businesses and the region's cultural and tourism offerings. The mission, organized in collaboration with the Italian Embassy, also involves the rectors of Lombard universities, or their delegates. A choice that testifies to the importance Region assigns to the value and development of education, also promoted through agreements and partnerships at the international level.

Also present are representatives of a number of trade associations in the area that operate in particularly strategic sectors.

The president and the delegation will take part in meetings and initiatives with the highest representative offices of the world of business and industry, with an agenda full of appointments and opportunities for in-depth study.

The alderman for Welfare will be the protagonist of appointments aimed at an effective exchange of knowledge and expertise with key players in the American health care system. The alderman will also visit the 'National Institutes of Health (NIH)' to dialogue with Italian technicians and experts working in this prestigious Washington health facility.

Among the meetings the president took part in were working moments with the executive vice president of the National Italian American Foundation, Paolo Messa, and the vice president for Europe of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Marjorie Chorlins. Also rich in insights are meetings with the business group of the World Trade Center in Philadelphia and with ENI USA chairman Marco Margheri.

SOURCE: Regione Lombardia

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