A new restaurant serving Italian dishes and promising live entertainment opened its doors Tuesday on South Washington Avenue in REO Town. REO Town Clubhouse, in a nearly 12,000-square-foot building at 1314 S. Washington Ave. that was previously home to Ellison Brewing Co., will begin offering live entertainment with dueling pianos in February or Ma...
In a moving story that spans several decades, “The Macaluso Sisters” follows five orphaned sisters born and raised in an apartment on Palermo’s outskirts. They support themselves by renting out pigeons for events, a unique and symbolic business that reflects their resourcefulness and the transient nature of their lives. Directed by Emma Dante, who...
“Hey! Hey! We’re the Monkees!” was a familiar ditty that drew so many of us to our black-and-white television sets with the “bunny-ear” antennas on Monday evenings in the mid-’60s. For me, it was the Saturday morning reruns of the ’70s that bound me to America’s Marx Brothers-esque answer to the Mop-Top British Invasion. Davy Jones, the British hea...
Join us for this year's gala at the JW Marriott on Saturday, February 1st · 5:30 PM CT at 614 Canal St, New Orleans, LA. This exciting celebration will include a cocktail reception, a silent auction, a delicious, seated dinner, and the presentation of awards to our amazing inductees, and our National Honoree! Online Ticket Sales, click here. New Or...
Italians are shifting their consumption focus toward food and health, despite the slowing economy. In 2025, many Italians expect to increase spending on utilities (26%), healthcare (24%), and groceries (21%), while reducing spending on dining out, travel, and entertainment. The majority (88%) plan to use promotions to save on non-essentials and del...
Over 300 stakeholders from the innovation world, including major corporations and venture capitalists, attended the opening of the Italian Pavilion at CES in Las Vegas on January 7. CES, the largest tech fair in the United States and the world, is featuring 46 innovative Italian startups this year. The event, organized by the Italian Trade Agency (...
Puglia is gearing up to enchant New York with its exceptional offerings as a top-tier wedding destination. On January 13, the iconic New York Times Building will host the event "Getting Married in Puglia, Wedding Destination," organized by the Tourism Department of the Region of Puglia and Pugliapromozione, in collaboration with ENIT and The New Yo...
Ask anyone who’s been there, and they’ll tell you there’s something magical about Pantelleria. A volcanic island in the Mediterranean, Pantelleria is a satellite island of Sicily, but it’s technically closer to Tunisia than Europe. In the summer, its population swells as Italians flock to the island seeking sun and the chance to swim in the glisten...
My college dining experience consisted mainly of cafeteria slop languishing in chafing dishes, supplemented with leftovers from my job working at a wrap and smoothie shop. (I’m still a stealth smoothie-making superstar.) But students at San Diego State University hardly suffer from my barely edible past woes, with spots like Pokedon, Tajima, Woodst...
At the young age of 31, Gian Vittorio Baldi won an award for Best Short Film at the majestic Manzoni Theater, with its celestial, golden ceiling in the epicenter of beauty, Milan, located in northern Italy. A city that is not only known for exquisite architecture, such as Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, which turns a shopping gallery into art, but i...
On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Consulate General of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute organize a special commemoration ceremony with the screening of the documentary Liliana (84′ Italy, 2024) directed by Ruggero Gabbai, who will be in attendance...
Fair weather, great infrastructure, and breathtaking routes along both the Mediterranean coastline and rugged countryside make Italy one of the most popular cycling destinations in Europe. As well as scenic landscapes, Italy offers its two-wheeled travellers no end of heritage, gastronomy and culture upon its green cycling networks, passing through...