L'Italia ha un nuovo presidente, Sergio Mattarella, il 12° Presidente della Repubblica Italiana, e il primo siciliano al Quirinale; un evento storico importante di cui parlare nelle classi d'italiano.   L'elezione del nuovo presidente rappresenta un'occasione importante per parlare della storia e della politica italiana nelle classi di lingu...

Aprilia HSBK Racing recently announced the Aprilia USA sponsored effort for the 2015 MotoAmerica season. They are a two rider program with the RSV4 running in the SuperStock 1000 class. Both riders have already undergone rigorous physical tests and training regimens; team testing begins shortly.   Dustin Dominguez will be back with Aprilia H...

by New York Italians   Dear friends, New York Italians is proud to announce the creation of the New York Italians Business Networking Group. We are always thinking of events that will benefit our members. The purpose of this group is to provide an opportunity for our members who are entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, sales peopl...

  WTI Magazine #55    2015 March, 6Author : Giovanni Verde      Translation by:   The first Italian woman to have founded and edited a newspaper was born in Patras on March 7, 1856 to the Neapolitan lawyer Francesco Serao, who in 1848 left his city because sought as anti-Bourbon, and Pauline Borely, a Greek decayed noble. When the father returns...

by Tonya Russo Hamilton   "Whatever satisfies the soul is truth." This quote by Walt Whitman embodies the mission of Taste of Italy, a company that offers culinary tours of Tuscany. Astrid Ensign, founder and owner, states, "Taste of Italy is more than a culinary tour - it is a carefully chosen palette of unique adventures designed to enchan...

In the commonwealth of Kentucky, a state that brushes against the edges of the Bible Belt, the religion of choice is basketball. Its followers are devout. Fanatical, even. They commit themselves to their faith completely, studyingtheir scripture day and night, making regular pilgrimages not only to their house of worship—the basketball cathedral, R...

È italiana la prima bicicletta senza raggi che si ripiega in uno zaino. È realizzata in alluminio e, quando sarà in commercio, entro fine 2015, peserà sotto i dieci chili. L'invenzione è di Gianluca Sada, ingegnere trentunenne che ha realizzato il primo prototipo di bicicletta che passa dalle dimensioni di un comune ombrello a quelle di una normale...

by Jefferson Graham   In a country renowned for the invention of the piano and violin, Davide Barbi says it's natural for Italy to become the center for the next generation of bella musica, digital style. "Making musical instruments," he says. "We have this in our blood."   Barbi is the chief technology officer for IK Multimedia,...

di Dom Serafini   Per il voto del rinnovo del Comitato degli Italiani all'Estero (Comites), delle 3.607 schede inviate ai cittadini italiani che ne hanno fatto richiesta nella circoscrizione consolare di New York-Connecticut-New Jersey (NY-CT-NJ), i votanti sono stati 2.304 e 300 le schede nulle. Dei 15 candidati, 12 sono stati eletti e i s...

by Jondi Gumz   Local patrons at Rita's Italian Ice gave the treat good reviews Tuesday. "Fantastic," said Jamie Garrison, a mom who came for a free sample. "We will be back." Amy Weiss, 9, said, "I like all the flavors" while Levi Thomsen, 9, opined, "It's better than Slurpees," explaining that's because of "all the texture." &nb...

di Giulia Cimpanelli   Trasformare le vecchie foto cartacee in digitali in pochissimi secondi e senza bisogno di uno scanner. Si può fare con Memories – Instant Scanner Photo, un'applicazione mobile sviluppata dalla startup napoletana Idea Solution che l'ha ideata dopo prodotti mobile di altro genere pensando al Throw back Tuesday, un fenome...

On May 1st, Nicholas J. Grillo of North Arlington became one of the youngest funeral home owners/directors in New Jersey when he took over the new Levandoski-Grillo Funeral Home in Bloomfield, New Jersey.   Grillo brings to Levandoski-Grillo more than 10 years of experience as Funeral Director for Introcaso Angelo in Jersey City, and a youth...