È stata inaugurata il 4 settembre, nella prestigiosa location "Midtown Loft & Terrace" nel cuore di Manhattan, la 17° edizione della mostra autonoma "Arts & Tannery" realizzata dall'Agenzia Ice in collaborazione con il Consorzio Italian Leather System di Firenze.   L'iniziativa, a cadenza semestrale, che si concluderà oggi vedrà dura...

Il Meatpacking District è da anni uno dei punti di riferimento della vita sociale di New York. Questi otto isolati che fanno da cerniera tra il West Village e Chelsea hanno subito importanti trasformazioni negli ultimi venti anni, prima tra tutte la nascita della High Line che è oggi una delle maggiori attrazioni turistiche della città, di cui gli...

We celebrate the anniversary of Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Americas, which happened on October 12, 1492. Many Italian-Americans observe Columbus Day as a celebration of their heritage.   As tradition, the Roma Lodge will be presenting a memorial wreath at the celebration. The program of the days celebration is below. NCCA Program...

The late actor James Gandolfini, star of television's "The Sopranos," will be honored at the Ninth Annual Morris County Columbus Day Parade sponsored by the East Hanover Italian American Club at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 13. The parade's route will travel along Ridgedale Avenue from the fire house to Lurker Park. The club called Gandolfini, "not on...

WTI Magazine #2    2013 Oct,25 Author : Francesca Albertini Mascagni      Translation by: ---   For the skill of evoking human nature, his music holds a great deal in the musical memory of several worldwide generations: this topical issue is the real incentive to the birth of the Promoting Committee of Maestro Pietro Mascagni, constituted by som...

Il Belpaese, zavorra per molte imprese, non rallenta i conti di Yoox, che sono in crescita nei primi nove mesi del 2013: la società ha vantato ricavi netti pari a 319,3 milioni, in rialzo del 20% rispetto allo stesso periodo 2012, un ebitda (esclusi i piani di incentivazione) di 25,3 milioni (+34,7%), con un margine in miglioramento al 7,9% dal 7%...

The Rochester Lancers have a new look for their home and away player jerseys. The team will be wearing custom Eletto brand kits with a traditional look of the original Lancers teams. The teams primary home colors will be in blue and the away jerseys will be yellow.   The player jerseys were custom made by Eletto, an Italian soccer apparel br...

E' un italiano all'estero Nicola Verlato, nato a Veroma ma trasferitosi negli Stati Uniti dove vive a Los Angeles, che espone in una piccola ma raffinata mostra inaugurando lo spazio della Giuseppe Veniero Project, una galleria polifunzionale dedicata alle arti contemporanee situata nel centro storico di Palermo.   L'esposizione propone, fin...

Say ciao to the hot antipasto and the veal Parmigiana. Casa Rosa, a longstanding Carroll Gardens restaurant offering classic southern Italian fare, quietly closed down last week after more than 30 years in business in the brownstone enclave where rents are on the rise.   The quaint eatery on the corner of Court and Carroll Sts. opened i...

By Paris Cowan   The Italian Government has reversed the sale of a Mediterranean island bought last year by Commonwealth Bank CIO and avowed conservationist Michael Harte. The purchase stirred controversy in Italy, forcing the Italian government to react to a backlash against foreign ownership of the island of Budelli, which has been in...

Vince Lombardi, the Super Bowl trophy's namesake, gravesite is located in Middletown, N.J., less than an hour from MetLife Stadium where the Super Bowl will be played. Would it be too much for the NFL to have someone make that trek and bring the trophy to the gravesite of the man it's named for?   Such is the request of Ed Cardoza, the...

by Michelle Caffrey   South Jersey staple Liscio's Italian Bakery has been approved for an up to $13.5 million award to expand its facilities and keep 176 jobs in the state. The Glassboro-based bakery was recently approved for the Grow New Jersey incentives of corporate business and insurance premium tax credits, to be spread out over 1...