Master picoloist Nicola Mazzanti to perform in Chicago

Oct 27, 2015 1105

by Florence Nelson

The piccolo used to be just a "little wooden flute" to most people. We heard it played in bands — especially in "The Stars and Stripes Forever" — and in an occasional Vivaldi concerto performance. That was about it. Composers used the piccolo to provide color in orchestral works — the way cooks spice up their sauces with garlic and pepper — but the instrument didn't have much of a chance to shine on its own.

Then along came Nicola Mazzanti ( A 1982 graduate of the Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini in Florence, he studied flute with Sergio Giambi, Maxence Larrieu, Emmanuel Pahud, and Sir James Galway. (Lovers of classical music know these names well.) 

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Fonte: Fra Noi

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