"This will be the very first Italian Heritage Display at the Connecticut VA Healthcare System", says Raeleen D'Agostino Mautner, Ph.D., facilitator of the exhibit. "The timing couldn't be better", according to Mautner, who will offer the exhibit at the Newington Campus, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Wednesday, Oct. 30. "October is Italian Heritage...

by Marc Bona   Growing up, you could say I ate traditional meals on Thanksgiving – with the emphasis on the plural meals. While I helped by staying out of the kitchen and watching college football and an NFL game, my mother controlled the cooking. She cut, she stirred, she sliced, she baked.   First course: A broth with pastina,...

Un'ora di colloquio all'insegna della cortesia e del reciproco scambio di informazioni strategiche: questo, in sintesi, l'incontro di oggi tra il presidente della Provincia autonoma di Trento, Ugo Rossi, e il Console generale degli Stati Uniti a Milano, Kyle R. Scott.   Il diplomatico - accompagnato da Raffaele Farella, dirigente della Provi...

by Luca Dell'Aquila   Ululatori, gorgoglitori e sibillatori hanno invaso il Redcat di Los Angeles il 3 novembre scorso per una serata all'insegna dellla musica futurista rivisitata e orchestrata dal compositore, pianista, direttore e solista di strumenti atipici Luciano Chessa.   Protagonisti della serata, gli intonarumori di The Orch...

The San Francisco Opera will present the world premiere of Marco Tutinof's "La Ciociara (Two Women)" on June 13, 2015.   The company said Tuesday that the opera based on Alberto Moravia's novel of the same name will star soprano Anna Caterina Antonacci, tenor Stephen Costello and baritone Mark Delavan. Music director Nicola Luisotti conducts...

C'è tempo fino al 2 febbraio per presentare la propria candidatura al corso di formazione "Il gusto in Emilia-Romagna", riservato a dieci giovani emiliano-romagnoli, per nascita o origine, residenti all'estero e con una età compresa trai 18 e i 35 anni. Il corso si svolgerà a Bologna nel prossimo mese di maggio, per la durata complessiva di 120 ore...

The Maine Association of Police has named Gino Bianchini, a Freeport Police Department detective, as its Officer of the Year. Bianchini accepted the award during a ceremony held on Jan. 25 in Portland.The Maine Association of Police is the bargaining union for police departments in the state, and Bianchini is president of the Freeport unit, the Fr...

by Mark Anderson   Hot Italian won certification from the United States Healthful Food Council for serving REAL food. The certification signifies Responsible Epicurean and Agricultural Leadership and reflects restaurant food preparation, ingredients and restaurant operations. Hot Italian is the first restaurant in Sacramento to get the...

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church at 1010 Ferguson St. in south Rockford will host its annual St. Joseph's Day Altar from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, March 16, in the basement church hall. The community is invited to partake in the festive traditional meal of meatless pasta, omelets, vegetables and Italian pastries. The church hall is handicap...

by Natalia Kozikowska Queens residents do not need to fly to Europe to enjoy some of the finest authentic Italian cuisine with Cara Mia right in their backward. Today, Cara Mia is a well-known establishment in the Borough, offering locals a massive variety of quality Italian dishes. But much like all great family-run businesses, the restaurant had...

In these latest books, Dr. L'Abate further advances his theory of using distance, remote writing on the Internet for preventive, promotional, para-therapeutic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative purposes.   Dr. L'Abate believes that this approach can match most psychiatric disorders derived from common psychological tests and link interventions...

By Chiara Zaccherotti Che cosa hanno in comune cibo e design? Tanto, e se poi il connubio avviene sotto i buon auspici del made in Italy diventa sinonimo di bellezza e qualità, due principi da cui non si può prescindere se si vuole vivere bene.   Lo sa bene il network messo in piedi da Eataly, che vede coinvolti partner d'eccezione nella pr...