We the ItaliaNews: Italy in english. Episode 7/2025

Mar 23, 2025 142

BY: We the Italians Editorial Staff

Venice: the upside-down forest

In Sicily, school students work with inmates and learn together

Italy reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but not all regions are moving at the same pace

Made in Italy: Italian chemistry grows and accounts for 4.4% of the global total

Innovation in Italy: AI, ultra-broadband and a chip 10 times faster that consumes less

Paternity leave in Italy: progress and challenges

The impact of US tariffs on Italian exports and economy

Albergo diffuso and slow tourism, two extraordinary Italian excellences in the world of tourism

Immigrant entrepreneurs and the growth of businesses in Italy

Italy is one of the most sustainable economies in the G20 and the European Union. The virtuous examples of Abruzzo and Tuscany

The origin and diversification of blood oranges, Sicily's red gold

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