10 Reasons to Celebrate Italy’s Cultural Heritage

Oct 13, 2017 4065

Every October the United States celebrates Italian heritage month (il mese del retaggio italiano). The 26 million Americans of Italian descent (di origine italiana) make up the fifth largest ethnic group (il quinto più grande gruppo etnico) in the United States. However, we all have many reasons to celebrate  il meglio della cultura italiana (the best of Italian culture), including the following:

1. Italians defined art and architecture (l’arte e l’architettura). More than half of the world’s designated cultural treasures (tesori culturali) reside within Italy’s borders. Italians developed the Roman arch (as critical to building as the wheel is to transportation), concrete, basilicas and vaulted ceilings.

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SOURCE: http://becomingitalianwordbyword.typepad.com/

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