€1.3 billion on the way for young people who want to start a business in Italy’s South

Jun 07, 2017 2915

BY: Carmine Fotina and Marco Mobili

“I’m Staying in the South” looks set to be the name of the new incentive to encourage entrepreneurship among young people who decide to not leave the South of Italy, where youth unemployment is a record highs. The norm under study would merge with the so-called “Decree for the South” that the government is preparing to help boose the economy in this slow growing area, and possibly bringing to the Cabinet on Friday, June 9.

“There are norms under assessment that we will approve over the next days,” said Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, speaking at a conference on the South in Matera. “They will go toward enriching a favorable fiscal context that already today makes its possible to say to companies: this is the moment to invest in the South,” he said.

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SOURCE: http://www.italy24.ilsole24ore.com

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