26th Newport Italianfest

May 04, 2017 1610

Join us for the 26th Newport Italianfest, named a Top 20 Event for June by the Southeast Tourism Society and held along Newport’s Riverboat Row between the Purple People and Taylor-Southgate Bridges. The festival has authentic Italian food and live Italian music performed by entertainers from around the nation and from “the old country”, a Golf Outing, and a Family Photo Booth showcasing the history of Italian families that settled in Newport generations ago.

The Second Annual Lauren Hill 5K Spaghetti Run will be on Saturday at 7 p.m. Other fun includes a cooking contest, games, and rides for the little ones. Events kick off with a Bocci Ball Tournament at Pompilio’s Restaurant on Wednesday. The event averages over 100,000 visitors. For more info, call 859-292-3666 and https://www.italianfestnewport.com/

SOURCE: http://ciaostl.com

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